Famous White House Correspondent Says It's High Time To End the
Secrecy on UFO's and Hold Congressional Hearings. In these articles
she supports the efforts
... www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1526.htm - 45k -
En caché
- Páginas
White House Briefed on UFOs. Sarah
McClendon, White House Correspondent, McClendon News Service,
March 30, 1998. original source | fair use notice
... www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1241.htm - 41k -
En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.ufoevidence.org »
Sara McClendon seemed to take a more active interest in
UFO's after having been at a couple of Richard Hoagland's press
conferences. ... www.v-j-enterprises.com/mclendn.html - 11k -
En caché
- Páginas
Got your messages about the UFO's. There was a
short story on our local ABC ..... His meeting with Sarah
McClendon apparantly has gone *very* well ... he
... www.v-j-enterprises.com/hoagnews.html - 46k - En caché
- Páginas
Vice-premier of Canada - UFOs... was asked a
question by White House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he didn't
do something about UFO disclosure.
... telemundo.video.yahoo.com/watch/2516093/7649130 - 78k -
En caché
- Páginas
Edgar Mitchell - Apollo 14 astronaut on Kerrang Radio -
UFOs Are Real ... reporter Sarah McClendon about why
he didn't do something about UFO disclosure.
... telemundo.video.yahoo.com/mypage/video/986967 - 52k -
En caché
- Páginas
Durant: Two weeks ago Sarah McClendon, a Washington
reporter, Lake: Right, right Durant: wrote a real fire burner about
UFOs. And she indicated that this
... www.ufomind.com/misc/1998/apr/d17-001.shtml - 8k -
En caché
- Páginas
July 1, 1998 Pressure Building for Congressional Hearings on
UFOs From: Sarah McClendon White House Correspondent
Washington, D.C.óPressure is building up
... www.ufomind.com/misc/1998/jul/d03-001.shtml - 9k -
En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.ufomind.com »
Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order, Political
Analysis, ... The first time I talked with Sarah McClendon is
etched on my mind like the scratches a
... www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=27283 - 19k -
En caché
- Páginas
Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order,
Political Analysis, ...Sarah McClendon 5133 Connecticut Ave.
N.W. Washington D.C. 20008
... www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=6201 - 17k
- En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.rumormillnews.com »
Sarah McClendon wrote two newspaper articles on
UFOs, the first on March .....McClendon,
Sarah. "Sarah McClendons Says UFO Pressure Building
On Congress.
... www.mountshastawisdomproject.com/ufoproject.htm -
31k - En caché
- Páginas
Sarah McClendon Born: Jul 08, 1910 Died: Jan 08, 2003
Occupation: Actor ... was responsible for the Roswell UFO
incident, [7] by 1997, McClendon's news
... www.answers.com/topic/sarah-mcclendon-1 -
56k - En caché
- Páginas
19 Abr 2007 ... Personal del gobierno USA confirma que los
UFOs son reales”) ... Me gustaría darle las a Sarah
McClendon, que está con nosotros hoy aquí,
... www.comunidadboricua.com/foro/showthread.php?t=879 - 51k -
En caché
- Páginas
One such journalist, who was not afraid of the stigma of
reporting on UFOs, was White House correspondent Sarah
McClendon who covered the White House beat
... uforeview.tripod.com/ufosandpress.html - 19k
- En caché
- Páginas
17 Jul 2007 ... Me gustaría darle las gracias a Sarah
McClendon, que está con nosotros hoy .....UFO - CNN
reports on The Disclosure Project Dr.Steven Greer
... www.foro-cualquiera.com/.../35258-atentados-falsos-torres-gemelas-ufo-disclosre-project-cambio-paradigma.h...
- 178k - En caché
- Páginas
UFO Cover-Up Fading Says Legendary White House
Correspondent by Sarah McClendon White House Correspondent. Source:
McClendon News Service. March 30, 1998
... www.geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/6583/coverup046.html
- 6k - En caché
- Páginas
3 Jun 2007 ... Me gustaría darle las gracias a Sarah
McClendon, que está con nosotros ... Hay una persona que se
dedicaba a rescatar OVNIs (UFOs) que se
... www.overclockers.cl/foros/index.php?showtopic=210196&mode=threaded
- 100k - En caché
- Páginas
8 Ene 2007 ... Personal del gobierno USA confirma que los
UFOs son reales”) ... Me gustaría darle las gracias a
Sarah McClendon, que está con nosotros hoy
... www.psicofxp.com/forums/esoterico.139/402799-disclosure-project-personal-gobierno-destapa-tema.html
- 170k - En caché
- Páginas
Sarah McClendon VS. JFK PART 1 OF 4. Vice-Premier Paul
Hellyer, Canada - Alien Contact. Nick Pope British Defence Ministy
UFOs Top Secret No More!
... people.famouswhy.com/sarah_mcclendon/ - 54k
- En caché
- Páginas
Sarah McClendon Says UFO Pressure Building On
Congress ... Seminars on UFO evidence are being held
periodically throughout the country with laymen
... www.rense.com/ufo/sarah.htm - 13k -
En caché
- Páginas
Sarah McClendon Says UFO Pressure Building
On Congress · More SSE Fallout - Interesting NJ Sighting/Encounter? - Latest
Reports ... www.rense.com/ufo/ufo2.htm - 69k -
En caché
- Páginas
President George H.W.Bush to White House correspondent Sara
McClendon, 1992 ... Confirmation & Update on Secret UN Meeting
Discussing UFOs... flyingorb.multiforum.nl/viewtopic.php?p=4240&sid=fa28143310f057eeda6f95e4e096d6d1...
- 77k - En caché
- Páginas
Years later Sarah McClendon, a senior White House
reporter, substantiated the President?s great frustration over UFOs,
and the cause for it.
... thepiratebay.org/torrent/3928485/Stephen_Bassett_of_Paradigm_Research_Group_-_Rockefeller_Tells_C
- 21k - En caché
- Páginas
Years later Sarah McClendon, a senior White House
reporter, substantiated the President’s great frustration over UFOs,
and the cause for it. ... www.mininova.org/tor/1037857 - 23k -
En caché
- Páginas
In a chance encounter with UFO researcher Dr. Steven
Greer the President answered ... In an encounter with long time White
House reporter Sarah McClendon... www.presidentialufo.com/ufo_letter.htm - 28k
- En caché
- Páginas
Despite the importance of the crash in UFO lore
there is very little evidence to be found ..... "You know Bill Clinton
leaned over and told Sarah McClendon,
... www.presidentialufo.com/newpage17.htm - 47k -
En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.presidentialufo.com »
In 1951 I sighted a UFO while piloting an F-86 Sabrejet
over Western Germany. .... In 1997, White House correspondent Sarah
McClendon released an article
... www.seeufos.com/UFOMOONBASE.html - 26k -
En caché
- Páginas
http://cnn-ufos.blogspot.com/. In a story told by Dr.
Stephen Greer: President Clinton was asked a question by White House reporter
Sarah McClendon about ... christiangeo.linkarena.com/
- 28k - En caché
- Páginas
UFO Cover-Up Fading' Says White House Correspondent
Sarah McClendon. By Sarah McClendon--White House
Correspondent. News Release from the McClendon News
... www.greatdreams.com/alnnews.htm - 83k - En caché
- Páginas
Furthermore, Greer said hardware recovered from UFO
crashes has been .... 90-year-old veteran Washington political reporter
Sarah McClendon.
... www.disclosureproject.org/FLORIDA%20TODAY%20News%20Story.htm
- 21k - En caché
- Páginas
Now, Big Media will tell you that the UFO matter is
closed, that the Air Force looked into .... Hosted by legendary White
House reporter Sarah McClendon,
... www.disclosureproject.org/mediaplay.htm - 16k -
En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.disclosureproject.org »
I'm the Hollywood consultant for mufon.com, which is the mutual
UFO network. ....Sarah McClendon "The real danger to
the U.S. and perhaps this whole planet
... www.bibleufo.com/quotepublic.htm - 58k -
En caché
- Páginas
Whenever the military agencies are asked to look into this matter
further, the answer is always the same - "We do not investigate
UFOs." Sarah McClendon... www.ahealedplanet.net/gsp/sarahmc.htm - 14k -
En caché
- Páginas
Me gustaría darle las gracias a Sarah McClendon, que
está con nosotros hoy aquí, .....UFO - CNN reports on The
Disclosure Project Dr.Steven Greer
... www.taringa.net/next.php?id=879622 - 58k - En caché
- Páginas
Personal del gobierno USA confirma que los UFOs son
reales”) ... Me gustaría darle las gracias a Sarah McClendon,
que está con nosotros hoy aquí,
... www.taringa.net/posts/879623 - 58k - En caché
- Páginas
Gibt es Ufos? In a story told by Dr. Stephen Greer:
President Clinton was asked a question by White House reporter Sarah
McClendon about why he didn't do
... delegation-ufo-ovni.blogspot.com/2008/06/gibt-es-ufos_03.html
- 132k - En caché
- Páginas
Me gustaría darle las gracias a Sarah McClendon, que
está con nosotros hoy ..... que no conocían ciertas cosas (Ej: sobre el
tema UFO) porque sus colegas no
... www.vandal.net/foro/32/387319/hablando-sobre-ufologia-no-os-perdais-lo-siguiente/
- 117k - En caché
- Páginas
19 Apr 2008 ... Starship UFO filmed on the 7th
December 2007 .... House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he
didn't do something about UFO disclosure.
... www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/government/fraud/uk_australia_canada_government/news.php?q...
- 26k - En caché
- Páginas
Greer UFO, año 2001 .... Me gustaría darle las gracias a
Sarah McClendon, que está con nosotros hoy
... www.chilewarez.org/index.php?showtopic=511770 - 84k -
En caché
- Páginas
Sarah Palin? The Alaska Governor and the RNC are
discussed via blogs and news in ...Sarah McClendon about why
he didn't do something about UFO disclosure.
... technorati.com/videos/youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DxuEUmnEVJQk
- 32k - En caché
- Páginas
April 9, 1998: A weekly compilation of UFO related
events and stories from around the ... News release from the
McClendon News Service by Sarah McClendon... www.ufoinfo.com/filer/1998/ff9814.shtml - 25k -
En caché
- Páginas
UFOs and their alien passengers more than haunt the
edges of popular ... White House correspondent Sarah McClendon
on secret UFO briefings held for Clinton
... findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_n18_v14/ai_n27529764
- 46k - En caché
- Páginas
YouTube - Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Sighting - a UFO has
landed .... House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he didn't
do something about UFO disclosure.
... www.mixx.com/videos/327604/youtube_astronaut_gordon_cooper_s_sighting_a_ufo_has_landed
- 62k - En caché
- Páginas
...Sarah McClendon about why he didn't do
something about UFO disclosure. .... Try out Alien
Ufo Believers, a very young (and still somewhat buggy) site
... www.mixx.com/videos/325356/youtube_vice_premier_paul_hellyer_canada_alien_contact
- 67k - En caché
- Páginas
FUENTE: Dick Farley, Corresponsal de Asuntos Nacionales, American
UFO Newsletter ... el Proyecto Disclosure fue reservado por
Ms. Sarah McClendon,
... edenex.iespana.es/page63.html - 14k - En caché
- Páginas
This is part 1 of the UFO conference which took place on
Nov 12, ... House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he didn't
do something about UFO disclosure.
... www.truveo.com/UFO-Conference-12-November-2007-Washington-DC/id/2294027549
- 74k - En caché
- Páginas
Bill Clinton – as quoted by senior White House reporter Sarah
McClendon in reply to why he wasn’t doing anything about UFO
... www.hillaryclintonufo.net/billclintonquotes.html -
13k - En caché
- Páginas
In a story told by Dr. Greer Clinton responded to a question
by White House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he didn’t do
something about UFO disclosure.
... www.hillaryclintonufo.net/disclosureefforts.html -
40k - En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.hillaryclintonufo.net »
Are UFOs and Aliens Real? "Some of [my] statements are
certainly hypothetical. ... In 1997, White House correspondent
Sarah McClendon released an article
... www.truthbeknown.com/aliens.htm - 28k - En caché
- Páginas
Personal del gobierno USA confirma que los UFO son
reales”. ... Me gustaría darle las gracias a Sarah McClendon,
que está con nosotros hoy aquí,
... www.foroaforo.com/foros/showthread.php?t=13432 - 142k -
En caché
- Páginas
UFO - Extraterrestrial Contact Former Canadian Defense
Minister Paul Hellyer ...Sarah McClendon about why he didn't
do something about UFO disclosure.
... utube.smashits.com/video/RGyFWyNuF3s/UFO-Contact-Former-Canadian-Defense-Minister.html
- 38k - En caché
- Páginas
Grant Cameron, a lecturing UFO researcher, said that
UFOs have long been an issue with ... to a UFO
question from White House correspondent Sarah McClendon.
... blog.indecision2008.com/2008/04/25/take-hillary-clinton-toas-your-leader/
- 86k - En caché
- Páginas
Lid Coming Off Government Cover-up on UFOs. By Sarah
McClendon. Washington, D.C. -- Unidentified Flying Objects, a term given
for many years to unexplained
... www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/McClendon_Articles.html
- 12k - En caché
- Páginas
McClendon, White House Correspondent News Release from the
McClendon News Service. UFO MAG.
... www.surfingtheapocalypse.com/ufo.html - 67k -
En caché
- Páginas
... reporter Sarah McClendon about why he didn't
do something about UFO disclosure. ... Wilbert Smith war einer
der ersten Kanadier, die sich aktiv für UFOs... www.mefeedia.com/entry/vice-premier-paul-hellyer-canada-alien-contact/9854936/
- 47k - En caché
- Páginas
Stephen (Bassett) has said that talking about UFO’s is
passé and that we should ...Sarah McClendon about why he
didn’t do something about UFO disclosure.
... www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/Frontpage/2008/05/19/02360.html
- 31k - En caché
- Páginas
19 Apr 2008 ... White House reporter Sarah
McClendon about why he didn?t do something about UFO disclosure.
Clinton replied, 'Sarah, there is a government
... www.canadianactionparty.ca/cgi/page.cgi?aid=1058&_id=128&zine=show
- 14k - En caché
- Páginas
Thus the U.S. is denying itself the chance
to learn more about UFOs or to ... —Sarah McClendon,
White House Correspondent, and Dean of the White House Press ...
Vídeo YouTube Shocking US government staff confirm UFOs
are real ... las gracias a Sarah McClendon que está con
nosotros hoy aquí la corresponsal de la Casa
... www.elforro.com/religion-y-esoterismo/38309-disclosure-project-personal-gobierno-destapa-tema-ufo.html
- 77k - En caché
- Páginas
Sarah had approached President Clinton and asked him why
he would not openly support Disclosure of the UFO secrets. She said
that the President bent down to
... www.voy.com/105322/3/101.html - 11k - En caché
- Páginas
30 May 2008 ... Stephen (Bassett) has said that talking
about UFO’s is passé and ...Sarah McClendon about
why he didn’t do something about UFO disclosure.
... www.scienceblog.com/cms/vicepremier-paul-hellyer-canada-flying-saucer-contact-16585.html
- 25k - En caché
- Páginas
In a story told by Dr. Stephen Greer: President Clinton was asked
a question by White House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he
didn't do something about
... au.video.yahoo.com/watch/2516093/7649130 - 75k -
En caché
- Páginas
11 Sep 2006 ... cover up various aspects of UFOs
and the extraterrestrial hypothesis. ... said to senior White House
reporter Sarah McClendon: "Sarah,
... www.exopolitics.org/Study-Paper-12.htm - 47k -
En caché
- Páginas
15 Nov 2005 ... President Clinton when asked by famed
Washington Post correspondent Sarah McClendon why he didn't do more
to have the truth about UFOs... www.exopolitics.org/Exo-Comment-39.htm - 33k -
En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.exopolitics.org »
5 Aug 2006 ... Robbie Williams' UFO Interview At
Gilliland Ranch ... George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with
Sarah McClendon in December 1992]
... www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread206382/pg3 - 73k -
En caché
- Páginas
This whole Wanta story has a real UFO/ET feel to it
with fringe news and nothing ... i knew i'd heard the name sarah
mcclendon before. she was the one that
... www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread256887/pg1 - 76k -
En caché
- Páginas
... House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he
didn't do something about UFO disclosure. ...Sarah
Palin as his pick for vice president. In just two years,
... www.ibiep.com/search/VICE/ - 83k - En caché
- Páginas
Médico Americano que trabaja para destapar el secreto de los
UFO (OVNI) ... Me gustaría darle las gracias a Sarah
McClendon, que está con nosotros hoy aquí,
... www.spe.com.ar/foro/showthread.php?p=910992 - 375k -
En caché
- Páginas
12 Sep 2005 ... was quoted in a 1992 interview by
Sarah McClendon in her newsletter. ... a "secret government"
in response to her question about UFO's.
... forums.comicbookresources.com/archive/index.php/t-78770.html
- 13k - En caché
- Páginas
SARAH MCCLENDON, REPORTER: The Israelis take these off
of their planes, ... KURTZ: Sarah McClendon was 92. When we
return, a two-front war for the press in
... transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0301/11/rs.00.html - 49k -
En caché
- Páginas
Tags: republicans republican national convention sarah
alaska governor mccain ...Sarah McClendon about why he didn't
do something about UFO disclosure.
... en.clip-arabe.com/tag-Vice.html - 28k - En caché
- Páginas
UFO theorists gain support abroad, but repression at
home Study by French officials, .....Sarah McClendon is the
Dean of the White House Press Corps
... www.mindspring.com/~flyingsaucers/tellit.html - 22k -
En caché
- Páginas
Vince Palamara & Sarah McClendon PART 3 OF 4 JFK
... From:FORA.tv. Nick Pope British Defence Ministy UFOs Top
Secret No More!
... video.aol.com/video-detail/president-clinton-at-the-temple-of-praise/370139938
- 64k - En caché
- Páginas
Rob Swiatek a knowledgeable Ufologist spoke concerning numerous
UFO...Sarah McClendon, 88, year old Grand Old White
House Correspondent was astute enough
... www.classicalmidi.co.uk/ufo/ufo5.htm - 94k -
En caché
- Páginas
23 Nov 2007 ... "Now, some of those UFOs are
things we DID build. ... In 1997, White House correspondent Sarah
McClendon released an article about a group
... zelaron.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-28716.html - 56k -
En caché
- Páginas
... Billy Cox (2004: Sarah McClendon) Hall of
Fame (living): Walter H. "Walt" Andrus, ... President Jimmy Carter
reported his own 1969 UFO encounter,
... www.jerrypippin.com/2005_x_conference.htm - 33k -
En caché
- Páginas
Here we see a UFO on the ground in West Carlton, Canada.
... by White House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he
didn't do something about UFO disclosure.
... pipes.1913intel.com/2008/05/06/land-without-regret-national-post/
- 150k - En caché
- Páginas
1: Among the thousands of so-called UFO encounters
reported around the world, .... In 1997, White House correspondent
Sarah McClendon released an article
... www.bethedream.net/Landry_files/Are_Ufos_Real.htm -
23k - En caché
- Páginas
2006: "Even famous White House reporter, Sarah
McClendon, put pen and paper to the Wanta story in two 1997 articles".
(www.arcticbeacon.com )
... www.ufodigest.com/news/0308/wanta-print.html - 58k
- En caché
- Páginas
Back to the time that I began contact where Sara
McClendon called me at 2:00 in ...... It would be extremely unwise
for UFO community researchers to accept
... www.freerepublic.com/forum/a38d8d9d44e42.htm - 129k -
En caché
- Páginas
US government staff confirm UFOs are real), y en esos
vídeos él dice que ... con la corresponsal de la Casa Blanca Sarah
McClendon) creo que es del año 2001
... www.alkon.com.ar/foro/discusiones.../360547-disclosure_project_personal_gobierno_destapa_tema_ufo_ovni-6/
- 152k - En caché
- Páginas
UFO's-Fallen Angels · War 9-11 World Trade Centers
FACTS-Treason .... taken from White House Reporter Sarah
McClendon's 1992 interview with President George
... www.stewwebb.com/crooks.html - 74k - En caché
- Páginas
"UFO'S: Actual Visitors From Other Worlds" · THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF
UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS ... www.nj3.com/unxplain.html -
32k - En caché
- Páginas
Sarah McClendon about why he didn't do Click to play
... vidarena.com/terminator-vs-alien-video_13455_4_vidAGE1R_nzQW8.html
- 92k - En caché
- Páginas
4 May 2008 ... President Clinton was asked a question by
White House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he didn’t do something
about UFO disclosure.
... current.com/items/88933646_form_vice_premier_paul_hellyer_canada_alien_contact
- 39k - En caché
- Páginas
16 Feb 2008 ... Eric, where did you read this alleged
quote from Sarah McClendon? ... At the time, she was
considered sympathetic to the UFO buffs,
... cannonfire.blogspot.com/2008/02/can-you-verify-this-quote.html
- 58k - En caché
- Páginas
30 May 2005 ...Sarah McClendon: News Reports
from White House Correspondent Interested in UFOs Sarah McClendon
(reprinted by Dave Vetterick)
... www.illuminati-news.com/reaching-disclosure.htm - 87k -
En caché
- Páginas
She [McClendon] asked the President why he didn't just
do something to disclose the truth about UFOs. McCLendon
said that the President leaned over to her
... www.johndyates.org/chapter7.htm - 18k - En caché
- Páginas
President Clinton when asked by famed Washington Post
correspondent Sarah McClendon why he didn’t do more to have the truth
about UFOs disclosed,
... www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_ZZN.htm
- 68k - En caché
- Páginas
CNN Larry King Live - UFOs: Are They for Real? . Part
3-4 ... Clinton was asked a question by White House reporter Sarah
McClendon about why he didn't.
... es.truveo.com/search.php?view=basic&query... - 95k -
hace 23 horas - En caché
- Páginas
UFO's: "Actual Visitors From Other Worlds" by Sarah
McClendon. Conclusion of Scientists And Technicians Employed by the
Government ... www.all-natural.com/expose.html - 82k -
En caché
- Páginas
Sara McClendon · Jon Cypher · John Callahan (FAA) ·
Charles Brown (US Air Force) ..... Confessions of a UFO
Spotter: We Don't Want a War in Space.
... es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proyecto_Revelación - 66k -
En caché
- Páginas
In a story told by Dr. Greer, Clinton responded to a question by
White House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he didn’t do something
about UFO disclosure.
... mysite.verizon.net/vzesmaih/id10.html - 87k - En caché
- Páginas
Silbury Hill and the stone circles were likely designed to call
the UFOs down to .... George Bush Senior (interview with
Sarah McClendon, December 1992)
... atlantiszone.com/index.html - 26k - En caché
- Páginas
George Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon
Newsletter .... 7/14/07 SHOW: Me & UFO Bob to Discuss
ENDING Live shows .. Looks like Pre-recorded
... www.thelightofdayradioshow.com/ - 47k - En caché
- Páginas
UFO's: Actual Visitors From Other Worlds. by Sarah
McClendon, White House Correspondent. News Release from the
McClendon News Service
... www.theallseeingeye.us/mcclendn.html - 10k - En caché
- Páginas